How the Tamper Resistant Receptacle Works.
As shown in Figure 1, Switch "A" energizes the left
hand Contact "B" and Switch "C" energizes the right hand Contact
"D." The same arrangement applies to the lower portion of the
If, for example, a metallic object is inserted into
the left power Contact "B" only, the object is not energized because
it requires the additional insertion of a similar object in the
opposite Contact "D" to move the slider to close Switch "A."
Similarly, if an object is inserted into the right
hand slot only, it cannot become energized unless an additional
object is inserted in the opposite slot to close Switch "C."
In other words it requires the presence of an object
in both right and left hand contacts to energize the device. This
condition is in practice fulfilled only by the insertion of the
proper electrical plug as shown in Figure 2.
Remember, this receptacle can be used with either a 2
or 3 wire plug.
No other tamper resistant receptacle on the market can
provide you with greater reliability and durability that the Hubbell
Hospital Grade tamper resistant Receptacle.